Teach English as a Foreign Language in Honduras (Benefits)

Central America, Honduras

Villa Soleada Bilingual School

There are plenty of places to teach outside the U.S, but very few organizations give you the chance to make the impact of a lifetime. This immersing job opportunity provides a monthly stipend, housing with utilities, transportation, health insurance, and visa renewal trips.

This challenging position provides the opportunity to spend a year teaching english to the most at-risk youth in Honduras, with an organization that has been featured on CNN, CNN en Espanol, Larry King Live, and USA Today.

In 2012, Students Helping Honduras opened the Villa Soleada Bilingual School in northern Honduras to provide an excellent education for low income students—including children from a local shanty slum and former street children—in El Progreso, Honduras. With over 270 students from pre-K to 8th grade as of 2018, we have continued to add a new grade every year. In 2018, we broke ground on the high school which is set open in 2021.

We are proud of our rare model where children of very low economic standing can have access to a bilingual education—something that normally only upper class families can afford. Our mission as an organization is to alleviate extreme poverty and violence in Honduras through education and youth empowerment. VSBS is our primary project to fulfill that mission.

El Progreso, just 20 minutes away from the Ramon Villeda Morales airport in San Pedro Sula, is the 4th largest city in Honduras with more than 200,000 residents. It is most known for its tropical weather, friendly residents, banana plantations, and working class environment. It is one of the most affordable cities in the world to live in. Downtown El Progreso, centering around the main cathedral square, is small enough to give it a small town vibe.

Our English teachers enjoy their free time in the evenings and weekends. Some join the local weight lifting gym, running club, the Villa Soleada soccer team, or Jiu Jitsu dojo. Others take it easy at one of the various cafes in town. On weekends, teachers often go to the pool, take day trips to Tela beach, attend parades and concerts, go out salsa dancing, or go on jungle hikes. During the holidays, beautiful places such as Utila, Roatan, Lake Yojoa, and Copan are only a few hours away.
In addition to the $200 monthly salary (currency exchange is 24L to $1), SHH covers housing in shared staff apartment, furniture, utilities, high speed internet, classroom materials, health insurance, transportation, and Honduran visa or residency card.

Expenses not covered by SHH include: airfare to/from Honduras, groceries, meals.

Our volunteer teachers live together in a staff house located in the city center of El Progreso. The house is within walking distance to markets, thrift stores, gyms, clinics, parks, churches, restaurants, fruit stands, bakeries, pools, smoothie bars, and cafes. Running water, fully furnished kitchen, electricity, WiFi, hammocks, a patio, and a washing machine are available at the house. The organization provides transportation to and from school in our buses. Wifi is always available in the apartment, in our El Progreso office, and in the school.
Teaching experience and advanced Spanish are both desirable volunteer traits. However, we are most interested in individuals who are flexible, able to deal with significant challenge, and willing to learn along with us.

In the past, most of our volunteers have ranged in age from 21-35 and have come from a variety of professional backgrounds from social work to international development. The most important qualities we look for in our volunteers are a genuine commitment to service and the ability to be a team player. We retain the right to dismiss a volunteer if it is in the best interest of the children or the program.

The Assistant English Teacher will fly to Honduras to begin as soon as possible. Start date can be discussed with Villa Soleada Bilingual School representative. The contract ends July 2020.

Please note that life in Honduras can be unpredictable. Sometimes our teachers are called upon to do things that fall outside the scope of the activities listed here.

- Facilitate relationships with parents and other community members
- Foster a safe and productive classroom environment for students
- Assist with small group instruction of material
- Administer assessments to small groups or on an individual basis
- Serve as a Lunch/Recess monitor
- Support your fellow teachers in school and at home
- Serve as an ambassador for our organization by helping to spread the word about our work to your families and friends
- Grade exams

- Maintain attendance records for all students in your homeroom
- File a copy of your weekly lesson plans on the agreed upon schedule
- Provide administration with a copy of your weekly class schedule before the week begins
- Ensure classroom is open and ready for students at beginning of school day
- Attend all teacher meetings
- Keep the office informed of any problems (disciplinary or otherwise) you are having with students and any concerns you have about students
- Keep student files updated
- Keep the office informed of extended absences of students

Other Optional (But Recommended) Responsibilities:
- Organize after-school reading workshops
- Plan field trips
- Plan and organize extracurricular activities for students
- Attend Parents’ Association Meetings (at discretion of Administrator)
- Participate in fundraising efforts to support our program costs

- Bachelor’s Degree
- Experience living or working abroad highly preferred
- Experience teaching, lesson planning, or supervising children in an education setting
- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to communicate effectively
- Ability to adapt to change and be flexible

Start date
End date

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